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15th Annual Coyote Calling Tournament

Saturday - february 3, 2024


Ends Thurs Feb 1st, 2024 at midnight (11:59:59 PM)


Checkin Cutoff 9:00pm CST Sharp!!

  • Must be called Coyote/Bobcat/Fox with use of electronic call, diaphragm call, or hand call

  • Predator must make movement towards methods of call

  • Must Kill at least 2 qualifying predators or be eligible for any payout

  • Teams must be at least (2) individuals and no more that (4) participants

  • Total Predator Winners based on point total.
    -Points: Coyote/Fox=1 point, Bobcat=1.5 points
    -Tie goes to heaviest animal

  • Heaviest Coyote Winner Male/Female will be based on weight of single coyote

  • Big Cat will be based on weight of a single bobcat

  • Must be fair chase predators and no use of any type of fence, pen, or barrier maybe used to harvest predators

  • No use of decoy dogs, night vision or any type of thermal device may be used

  • No use of dead piles or bait stations maybe used

  • No trapping, snaring, road killed, or penned predators maybe used

  • Boundaries: Oklahoma state lines

  • All team members MUST hunt together. No splitting up or calling different areas at the same time.  Team members must hunt from same call. 

  • Only paid members/youths on your team allowed in your vehicle during the day of the hunt

  • No combining of predators will be allowed

  • Teams must follow all Oklahoma Department of Wildlife rules and regulations at all times

  • All Placing teams will be subject to a Lie detector test.  Team member(s) tested will be selected at random by Contest Officials.

  • Anyone taking a lie detector test may not consume any alcohol or drugs at any time of the day of the hunt

  • If you are late for check-in you are disqualified, no exceptions

  • The use of any ATV to include side by sides are allowed for the purpose of traveling between stands.  A four-wheeler for use with two man teams and a side by side for four man teams must follow all Game & Fish and Federal BLM/USFS rules.

  • All team members must have proper OKLAHOMA STATE LICENSES